As a globally recognized mission under Church of God World Mission, we are beyond privileged to play a part in God’s work in the mountains of Haiti. We began establishing Deyemon Haiti Outreach following the earthquake in 2010. In 2012 we joined forces with local pastors to reach a remote region of coastal Haiti. From the beginning we have worked to empower and strengthen the local church as the root system for a community. We believe the church is the starting point for both spiritual and community transformation, and we believe that if we equip spiritual leaders to lead the community into innovation and education then we can truly change the earthly and eternal lives in the Deyemon community.



Save souls. Heal hurts. Develop disciples. Globally.



In 2015 Hurricane Matthew struck and obliterated the community of Deyemon Haiti. At the time when the eye of the storm passed over, our team was on the ground. Mercifully, our team was able to move every child, who then lived on an on-site orphanage, into the guesthouse just as the orphanage was crumbling. Our school, churches, and site buildings were damaged. The land was ravaged. But the persistence in faith in the hearts of the people of Deyemon made us determined to not only repair the mission, but to continue investing in a hopeful future for this community.



Today we have four planted and established churches in the community. While Deyemon has undergone several natural disasters, the most recent hurricane Matthew left much of our buildings in desolation. But because of the commitment of our supporters what could have been a curse has become a blessing as two of our church buildings will be completed reconstructed by the end of 2020.

Deyemon Haiti Schools educate 500 students on campus of our main compound. Also housed on our property is our Torch Haiti Clinic, Guesthouse, and the only soccer field in the community of Deyemon. It’s a blessing for us to provide a space for the community to gather for education, faith, health and fellowship.

If you are simply visiting our site, a part of the Church of God, or are drawn to our work in Haiti we would love for you to consider in prayer supporting our ministry and our mission to save souls, heal hurts, develop disciples, globally.

Mike Thomas
Managing Director of Torch Worship Center Outreach


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